How to Get a Free Bible
If you are in need of a Bible and can't afford to buy one, there are plenty of ministries, churches, and organizations that can send you one for FREE.
You can get a free study bible from Bibles For America and they will ship it to you. You don't even have to pay for shipping.
Bibles4Free is a website run by the US Bible Society ministry. They are offering free Bibles and they do not charge for shipping.
The US Bible Society is offering a free Bible on their main website. They also own There's no charge for shipping. gives out free Bibles to those in prison and nursing homes, as well as to the homeless. There are some rules, so not everyone may qualify.
The Family Broadcasting Corporation gives away free Bibles to those outside of the US. So if you are not in the United States and need a Bible, you can request one from their website. has online Bibles but also offers New Testament pocket Bibles for free, including shipping. New Testament Bibles are not complete Bibles though, so the other Bible offers are a much better option.

Free KJV Audio Bible
Download the whole audio Bible for the KJV dramatized version for FREE!
Just click the button below to download the zip folder with the MP3 files. You can listen to it on your phone, computer, or while you drive in the car.
Want to read through the whole Bible?
The Thru-The-Bible program isn't free, but it is a great way to read through the entire Bible in 1 year. It is suitable for beginners and experienced Bible students.
You'll find it easier to read through the Bible with this program as it becomes more like a novel and it includes helpful commentary.
Click here for details, or click the banner below.
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